The Dilemma of Burnout
Burnout. The ongoing dilemma plaguing healthcare on a global scale. Mitigating burnout is not just about taking time off to recover. Nor is it about yoga mats, bean bags and free cups of coffee. Paradoxically, it's been found that being present at work in a compassionate culture, where one's interactions with patients fuel rather than drain can help those with burnout to recover. In order for compassionate interactions to become the norm, the current embedded culture requires a radical transformation from the ground up, top down and inside out.

How We Prove Impact
The Compassion Index™
Because a healthy workplace is a compassionate workplace, we start by measuring your organisation's compassion levels. Developed by MindAlpha, The Compassion Index™ measures the eight determined factors that define a compassionate person.
The Brighton Burnout Inventory™
In comparison to other measures of burnout, The Brighton Burnout Inventory™ is designed to be a predictive (rather than static) model of burnout risk built to help practitioners identify individuals and demographic groups at risk of burnout and to inform decision-making with regards to the accurate application of interventions.
It only takes forty seconds of compassion to make a meaningful difference.
Stephen Trzeciak
Made-to-Measure Hybrid Development Program
Once we've had a look at your organisation's results, we provide a made-to-measure, hybrid program of online and face to face training designed in collaboration with The Compassionate Leadership Academy. Our highly-trained, world-class program coaches include the likes of former Olympians, c-suite business executives, military officers, psychologists and professional adventurers.
Our Methodology
Using metrics developed by highly-skilled behavioural scientists at MindAlpha, we start off by providing a snapshot of your organisation’s current levels of burnout predictors of future burnout.
We provide a made-to-measure, hybrid program of online and face to face training with world-class coaches the likes of whom are former Olympians, business executives, military officers, psychologists and professional adventurers.
Following with the “Compassion Index,” we are able to demonstrate current baseline levels of compassion in your organisation, or department. Serial measurements are then undertaken to monitor individual and collective progress.
We conduct a six-month post-course follow-up, which evaluates the effectiveness and the durability of the program. Those who’ve completed the course will have access to in-depth continued professional development through our workshops, master class programs and retreats.
If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.
Dalai Lama